Friday, January 8, 2010

Tim Sroka is Henry Dziczkowski's Grandson. I Want the World to See this Letter

.....Allan Lewicki
..7911 Thornton Dr.
.Parma, Ohio 44129

..........allanlewicki at

January, anno domini: MMX.

Dear Timothy H. Sroka

The entire issue between myself and Henry Dziczkowski is most simple and also most profound: Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost.
“Doctrine”…Henry Dziczkowski and the Maranatha Bible Society hold the King James Authorized 1611 version of the Bible as the only true Word of God…everything else is a corruption.
I also hold to this position. How can the KJV be the Word of God and ALL other translations be corrupt? The answer to that question is as simple as the issue between myself and HPD, the Translators were as inspired by the Holy Ghost as any and all of the Old Testament prophets.

The last phrase of the above sentence results in several VERY SERIOUS consequences: ANY…repeat any…alteration of the text of the KJV is tantamount to blasphemy of the Holy Ghost.

The issue between HPD and myself is exactly, totally and entirely the above sentence. For amplification see my two Blogs:

Hey Tim Sroka…that you, your mother, and everybody else in the Maranatha Bible Society are following your grandfather to Hell is NOT the cause of the physical altercation. The cause is that he was attempting to get MY MOTHER to commit the unpardonable sin!

Written By My Hand:
Allan Lewicki
PS: Your grandfather is not the originator of the practice of defiling the Bible, he is following the example of his Idol, the late Richard E. Rhoades.

End of Letter
Start of Posts

Prior to additional postings on this Blog, namely the Tim Sroka emails, the reader needs to understand the framework in which these writings have been created.

This post is a sub-section of its parent:

Allan Lewicki vs. the Maranatha Bible Society

Ancillary Blogs are:

Allan Lewicki’s Open Blog to the Maranatha Bible Society

The Condemnation of Ken Brandt, Dale Koller and the MBS

Ken Brandt and Dale Koller = Maranatha Bible Society

I was one a member of this religious fellowship; I ever so gradually became aware of what I can only describe as Farcical Hypocrisy. My prim motivation for writing my Blogs is not that I have issues with the basic planks of their doctrine (even though I do). It is because I regard them as such Colossal, Stupendous, Phenomenal FARCES !!

The incident with Henry Dziczkowski was the straw that broke the camels back.

So as to allow absolutely no room whatever for misunderstanding:
____________________________________________________________________________ .
I received the first message from Tim on January 1st, 2010. My suspicion is that there was a family get-together over the New Years Holidays, and the subject of “Allan Lewicki” came up. In a later message Tim informed me that this was not the case, but it doesn't matter. The messages are STILL verbatim from THS.

What I had been doing (and still am) is detective work on the Internet to find people associated with Henry Dziczkowski and/or the Maranatha Bible Society. I would then email them one of the articles I had written.

Oh, a message to the World at Large: I hit a gold mine on Facebook…But…Ken Brandt is too “holy” to be on that site. So; if anyone would like to spite the MBS, and Ken Brandt in particular…sent me a current list of the names and addresses of the Maranatha Bible Society.

Of the hundreds of messages I sent, one and only one person had enough fortitude to send a reply…Tim Sroka. The rest of the flock of farces stuck their heads into the ground like the ostriches they are.

The communication from Tim is verbatim, word for word, letter for letter. There are typos, but I will make no alteration to any of Tim’s message (as if I don’t make typos)

First email from THS, January 1st, 9:24 PM

Hey Allan, why are such a scumbag??? You need to grow up and move on. Get over it. You are a loser. End of story

My reply: January 2nd, 4:01 AM

I suppose you think Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost is just fine, go tell this to ski007jim.

Lets go over this again…I take SEVER EXCEPTION to anyone attempting to get my mother to commit Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost.

Note the time stamp (I am an early riser). After a cup of coffee I deemed extenuation prudent.

Additional reply: January 2nd, 4:45 AM

Dear Tim

You think I’m on my Jihad just because I’m a shit head ass hole. That might be true but let me convey a concise explanation…it all has to do with the Maranatha Bible Society.

I once was a member of this fellowship; ever so gradually I noticed what I can only describe as Farcical Hypocrisy. The straw that broke the camel’s back that caused my total departure from these people was the incident between Henry Dziczkowski and myself.

The MBS tout themselves on preaching “The Gospel”. Not John 3:16, but 1Cor 15:3 & 4. The MBS also has (as a paramount plank of doctrine) that for absolutely everything they preach, teach, espouse, have even think…that you MUST have a “Thus Sayest the Lord”.

Ok, now look up 1 Cor 15:3 & 4, “according to the scriptures” is stated TWICE!

Call up Henry Dziczkowski, or Ken and Carol and ask them to site chapter and verse for “the scriptures”.

So as to not to leave you damned to Hell (as HD already is) read this:,-Can-Anyone-Site-Chapter-and-Verse-For-The-Scriptures?&id=3097112

You will not be able to say I didn’t warn you.

Allan Lewicki

PS Hey…I’m not doing this just to piss everybody off…this is as serious as a heart attack.


A comment made in my first response needs amplification: “go tell this to ski007jim”. Jim Dziczkowski is another grandson of HPD, ski007jim is Jim’s user name on YouTube.

A discovery of my less than Sherlock Holmes detective work (mush less), I learned Jim Dziczkowski = ski007jim

In case anyone would care to duplicate my above snooping, just Google “ski007Jim”…you will fall over!

Again, the reason I deem the above as requiring further comment is that everything I send to Tim Sroka I also CC to Jim Dziczkowski.

End of First Go-Around

______________________________________________________________________ .

Start G0-Around 2

Next message from THS, January 2nd, 10:29AM

Hey Allan, I know exactly what you are doing. You are obsessed. It is actually very sad..I feel sorry for your mother. Had I been there that day you attacked my grandfather, I would have put you down. What kind of hate filled man attacks a 70 something year old man, choking him? Like I said before, you need to grow up. Now, you can go and use all of the big words you want, pretending you are impressing people, well you are not. You are an old and lonely old man and sometimes I feel sorry for you...oops, wait a minute, my bad, I just think you are a loser. Enjoy your sad and depressing life. Hey, just a suggestion, you may want to try some Zyprexa, or Abilify, maybe even some Risperdal, or just got the antidepressant role and take some Lexapro.

With warmest regards,Tim.

My reply to the above email:

Go have a lovey-dovey "Bible Study" with your grandfather...ask his opinion on this:

Then maybe you should get him some Zyprexa, or Abilify, maybe even some Risperdal, or just get the antidepressant role and take some Lexapro.

Where is Tim Sroka getting “you can go and use all of the big words you want, pretending you are impressing people…”? My suspicion is that everything I send to Jim Dziczkowski, Jim in turn forwards to Tim.

I had sent Jim an email with some conclusions I had made from Googling ski007jim. Let me quote the last pars of that message:

PS: I would greatly appreciate current email addresses of all the members of the
Maranatha Bible Society. I will express my appreciation in terms of monetary
remuneration…how does $100 sound
So…Tim Sroka perceives “expressing appreciation in the form of monetary remuneration” as using big words so as to impress everyone. OK THS, evidently what I have written is above your sophistication.

I will come back to this. (Scroll down to Go-Around 6)
End Go-Around 2

Start Go-Around 3
Message from THS, January 2, 5:55 PM
Once again, I could care less what "message" you are trying to get across. My point is that you are the equivalent to a ghetto-hood-gangbanger. Grow up and get an actual life, you sorry excuse for a human being. Why don't you respond to that and not avoid the subject by thowing up useless links to worthless dribble.
Go in peace,Tim
My reaction to the above message:
THS in his messages has bestowed upon me the titles of: [1]

Sorry excuse of a human being
Old and lonely old man
Dog excrement
Tough man
Complete and utter moron
Scared little man
Little pussy
Troubled individual
Disturbed individual

One in particular is an honorary degree sponed by our hip-hop generation; a “Ghetto-Hood-Gangbanger”.
I must admit, when it comes to the fine detailes of the younger generation, I am somewhat neieve. I don’t watch TV (at all), I don’t listen to the raido, the last time I went to a movie was 100 years ago. So; I thought Timmy was just heraling a coulerful insult of today’s drug culture.

A slight degression; looky-here Tim, any writer is familiar with several web sites that are emormassely benifical to the literary world:

And if you really want to impress people with your writing by an aura of smartism…use some Latin. .

{I’m getting ahead of myself with comments on Tim’s emails…this will be dealt with as I continue this Blog…so stay tuned}

Even if you have never been to Lataineia you can still do this. Never mind that you yourself don’t have the sighest idea of what the Latin phrase means, just go to a Latin web-site and pick something that sounds high-filluten…everyboby will think you are soooo smart. How about: abyssus abyssum invocat
I’m getting off of the subject…Ghetto-Hood-Gangbanger…I didn’t know the exact connotation of this title (didn’t know the denotation either). In that I fancy myself as somewhat of a writer I referenced a “Street Slang” dictionary. You know Timmy…Idioms of American English, colloquial expressions (speaking in the vernacular)…No Matches…What !!?

So I just Googled “Ghetto-Hood-Gangbanger”…WOW !!
Hey everybody in the whole world, try this…chick on the first hit that comes up…you have entered the mind of Timothy H. Sroka.
[1] See footnote 2

End G0-Around 3

Start Go-Around 4
Message from THS, January 6, 11:58 AM

{A note of Clarification relevant to the time stamp of the above email; I visited my local library explicitly to email the whole wed page of the letter that is the commencement of this Blog (my computers wouldn’t do that). The below typo probably should read “Now this one”…referring to the total web page message.}

Dude, what is your problem. I could have cared less what the hell ever happened to you until you started sending me crap on my facebook page. Now it is one. Get over yourself. You are an old and lonely old man who better watch out. Go commit hari kari or something, you piece of dog excrement.

Peace, dude, Tim
My comments:

First, if anyone would care to contact Tim via Facebook, hear is his address:

Also, to contact Tim’s grandfather; Henry Dziczkowski, here is Big Jitch’s address:

To contact Little Jitch (Jim Dziczkowsky, HPD’s other grandson) use his YouTube username…skioo7jim. The Jim Dziczkowski in Facebook is not Little Jitch.

Continuing with my comments:

Dog excrement ! Goodness Gracious !!
Is that a refined reference that people of culture use as an expletive/adjective meaning: dodo caca dung stool turds (that are made of feces)?

But of course! You are no doubt referring to the extreme stage of the digestive process of a Canis lupus familiaris that exudes via the distal end of critters large intestine through its anal orifice (when it takes a dogshit) (or figuratively what I love rubbing your nose in).

How about when the critter pukes (after eating a Buzzard) (that died of syphelis).

This uphisesm is my opinion of a near of kin to you; your senior of the second generations on your mother's side. Not only lol, but guffaw-guffaw (what?...maybe ggol?).
End Go-Around 4

Start Go-Around 5

Message fron THS Jan 6, 2010 12:21 PM

Hey douche, why is it that you have all of these ridiculous youtube videos, yet you have the comment section turned off. What, are you too chicken for a little debate? You are a real tough man, Allan. Grow up. Move on. You really do need some psychiatric help. I know some good psychiatrists due to the line of work I am in. I am here if you need help. I will help you commit yourself if you would like.


My Comments:
First; my ridiculous YouTube videos, my user name on YouTube is ElymasBarjesus. I intentionally chose that name so as to be an ever present reminder to the Maranatha Bible Society of the intense emotion between myself and them. It delights me that if you Google “Maranatha Bible Society”, a link to my “ridiculous” videos is very near to theirs.

How perceptive of you that I do not allow comments, did you notice that I also don’t allow comments on this Blog? How did you perceive this? Did you attempt to make a comment and were unable to do so? What were you doing to say? Something of profound gist no doubt.

I do not allow comments for the simple reason that by and large the only thing anyone will write will be ridicule, name-calling, and degradation [2]. Imbeciles that do this are below my deportment. Not only will I not argue with some insular boor having the intellectual capacity of a Nematode, I will not even listen to them. [3]

What is to debate? Not only does your grandfather blaspheme the Son (he can be forgiven of that), he blasphemes the Father (he can be forgiven of that), he blasphemes the Holy Ghost.
In addition to gleefully doing the above, he encourages others to do likewise…like my mother. And you can’t understand why I attempted to physically eject him from my Mom’s house!

You, your mother, and everyone else in the Maranatha Bible Society can follow your grandfather to Hell to burn alongside of Richard E. Rhoades and Frank Riley. This Blog will be read to you at the White Thorn Judgment.

I’m recalling something that would be ideal to put down as a permanent record; to let you, your mother and all of the members of MBS know her opinion. She held the same esteem of what she referred to as “the bunch of ostriches in Medina” as I do, but she was way too meek and mild to say so. She passed away not too long ago. One of the things she did was plan her own funeral. A stipulation in these plans was: NOBODY from the Maranatha Bible Society was welcome !!

Does that grab you by the throat Bro. Obedience (aka Henry Dziczkowski) !?

I placed a curse on Ken Brandt, Dale Koller, and your grandfather. I wrote them a letter reminding them, I also posted this letter as one of my Blogs (see email to THS of Jan 6 below).

Allan Lewicki to THS Jan 6, 2010 2:09 PM
Dear Tim

I have written a letter; a letter on real paper, in a real envelope with a real 44-cent stamp, and sent it to Ken Brandt, Dale Koller and your grandfather.

By now they should have received it. It is a reminder of arrangements I made for them seven years ago.

They will be going on a trip to Israel. It would please me to no end if you would join them.

Ask your mother for details.

Allan Lewicki

PS: I would behoove you, as preparation for this trip (if you go) to have a working knowledge of the Book of Revelation.

PPS: This is a One-Way trip.

PPPS: The letter I wrote is on the Web:

[2] Just like your emails

[3] Anyone that has a desire to rebut me also has the freedom to post a Blog in juxtaposition.

End of Go-Around 5
Start Go-Around 6
Message from THS, Jan 6, 2010 9:51 PM
For real, I just want to know what your problem is. Is your life that pathetic that you have to waste all of your time on this nonsense. Aren't you man enough to have a real debate instead of talking out of your ass about nothing? That is what I never got about you Allan, you always sounded so smart when you used these big words but in actuality, you are complete and utter moron. You are a scared little man who thinks it is fun holding grudges for over a decade. A little pussy who attacked an older man...which you will pay for some day. Once again, grow up. Why not instead of sending me this BS, you actually try to defend yourself and explain you actions. I got an idea, why don't you get your friends and got take some photographs instead of wasting everyones time on nothing...I'm sorry, what's that? you don't have any friends? Gee, I wonder why.

My Comments:

Excuse me Mr. Timothy H. Sroka; twice you have expressed angst about words that exceed your cognizance. I never gave approbation or consideration or one iota of credence that a copious vocabulary would evoke acrimony. So, you think I am an ostentatious philologist because you esteem my style of writing as exuding pedantic grandiloquence. Your opinion is inconsequential, nihil ad rem. [4]

Of course if the real reason why my writing pisses you off (i.e. umbrage) is jealousy…that is understandable.

Hey Timmy, check these two links:

[4] Not worth shit:

End of Go-around 6

Start Go-Around Last
The final exchange of messages between Timothy H. Sroka and myself was a communiqué of several writings. These in toto will comprise the termination of this Blog.
{Just for you Timmy:}
Allan Lewicki to THS
Jan 7, 2010 5:46 PM
Subject: Henry Dziczkowski

Dear Tim

Just one sentence from your last email”

“Why not instead of sending me this BS, you actually try to defend yourself and explain you actions.”

I am in the process of composing a full-fledged response, but first some preliminaries. Ask your grandfather if the has the “liberty” to correct the capitalization of the King James Bible…just a yes or no answer.

Oh, keep one thing in mind; I am in the process of writing a book about the Maranth Bible Society…anything you send me will be in that book

Does this sentence, or any of the above words exceed your comprehension?

THS to Allan Lewicki
Jan 7, 2010 6:59 PM
RE: Henry Dziczkowski

Allan, what don't you understand??? I don't care about your stupid grudge with Maranatha or my grandfather or anybody else. What I care about is that you either give me a valid reason for attacking somebody or leave me alone. It is that simple. I don't care what you are trying to prove. I don't care on what is capitalized and what is not. I don't care about you wishing for peoples demise. I don't care. Man up and explain why you attacked my grandfather some 10 years ago. Like I said in previous emails, the only reason I started sending these emails is because you contacted my via facebook. Upon seeing you face and name, I became very nauseous. I brought back all of the hate I feel for you and now I want to know why you attacked my grandfather. Do you comprehend these sentences??? Good luck with your book. How many books is the publisher making??? 3 or is it 4?You really think people would want to read that garbage?
Allan Lewicki to THS
Jan 8, 2010 3:23 AM
Re: Henry Dziczkowski
You want to know why. There is a video inserted at the bottom of this
My Comments:
Timothy H. Sroka’s messages are repleat with demands that I explane why I attecked his grandfather.

{Just for you again Timmy:}

In that this is explained in case and in point in the Blogs sited in the body of my letter addressed to THS (Head of this web-page) (also see the hyper-link in the Jan 8, 2010 3:23AM, email imedately above), the culmination of my appraisal of the psyche of Timothy H. Skoka, is he is displaying (unconsciously) a facet of human nature…denial.

What is it that he is denying? I site:

Matthew 12:31 & 32
Mark 3:28 & 29
Deuteronomy 4:2
Revelation 22:18 & 19
Allan Lewicki to THS
Jan 8, 2010 3:48 AM
Subject: I forgot something

The hyper-link in the last email...did you read that...and you still can't understand why?

Are you man enough to read?
{The hyper-link referenced above: The video attached to the end of this post is concisely what happened}
THS to Allan Lewicki
Jan 8, 2010 5:15 AM
RE: I forgot something

And THAT gives you the right to attack someone??? You are a troubled individual. Capitalization?!?!? Really?? Come on man. You tell this to any sane person and you will be laughed at. You are a joke.
My Comments:

From the Web-Site of the Maranatha Bible Society: “don’t mess with God’s Word” Yea right…but Richard E. Rhoades, and Henry Dziczkowski following his example can change the captilazation to their heart’s content. [5] [6]

Hey Tim Sroka, so you think alterations of captilazation is a trivial matter…I do not. I think that if someone changes so much as a semicolin to a comma (jot or tittle), that is as henious as ANY other egerious coruption. Again, aletration of “word” to “Word” is a VERY ererious coruption:
Allan Lewicki to THS
Jan 10, 2010 5:13 PM
A Letter for You
THS to Allan Lewicki
Jan 10, 2010 10:51 PM
RE: A Letter for You

Hey Allan, you are so sure of the accusations that you are making, namely that myself, along with my mother, grandfather, etc. are all going to hell. I didn't think that we (as a people) were supposed to judge others on their salvation or damnation. Answer me this, do you think your name is written in The Book of Life? (Did I use the correct capitalization there because I don't want you to grab me by the throat for doing so.) You really are a disturbed wonder your exwife and children wanted nothing to do with you.
Enjoy being alone in your remaining years.
THS to Allan Lewicki
Jan 12, 2010 5:20 AM
RE: A Letter for You

I dont understand what you are trying to prove and to whom. Nobody care what you say. Like I said, you are the one that initiated all of this. We didn't have "discussions about Allan Lewicki" during the holiday season (sorry to burst your bubble, but nobody cares about you). Also, who even reads your boring blogs??? I find it funny and amusing that you go through so much trouble to damn other people to hell when you should actually be looking at yourself. Anyone, it has been a blast but is now getting boring so I must bid you adieu. Have a most joyous life. You really need to move on.
My Closing Comments:

We are not supposed to judge? The Book of Revelation, the Seven Letters to the Seven Churches; the first Church (the favorite of the MBS), Ephesus; “…thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars:”
The Prophet Ezekiel, chapter three, verses eighteen through twenty-one…I WARNED YOU

I again site my two Blogs: This one is the coup d’etat … culpam poena premit comes
Written By My Hand:
Allan Lewicki
To be continued...Maybe
Read my Book on issuu: